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Joe Gadell Joe Gadell Chief Technology Officer (he/him/his) Linkedin Link

After graduating from SLU in 2003, Joe founded GadellNet. He started the company as a one man operation. Based on his passion for technology and his desire to help small businesses succeed, Joe has grown GadellNet into the company that it is today. Joe’s infrastructure background has paved the way for him to serve as the company’s CTO.

Joe has taken GadellNet from a one-man shop to a nearly 200-person operation, all while maintaining his ideals of integrity and a client-centric structure. Joe knew in order to win in the tech space, he had to be more than a smart tech guy, he had to become a trusted partner for his clients. 14 years later, his vision has been realized and he continues to stretch the company to become more.

What is your favorite GNET job perk?
Owning the place!

Why do you love GadellNet?
GadellNet has become a very special organization – far beyond what I had imagined originally back when I started things out in 2003, just out of school. We are very lucky to have an amazing leadership team supported by a group of very special people.

How would you describe GNet’s culture?
Easy going yet demanding – always executing with our employee wellbeing and customer success in mind.

What impresses you about GadellNet?
The dedication that everyone has for our clients and trust in our brand.

Describe GadellNet in one word:

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