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This non-profit provides programs and assistance to individuals with mental illness. As a unique organization, they have to make sure their technology and its support not only meets the needs of their employees, but also their members, too. They recently hired a new Chief Financial Officer who evaluated the organization’s current resources and wanted an IT roadmap to help plan for the future.

The IT evaluation revealed efficiency concerns which made it necessary take action to keep their environment secure and stable. The goal was to optimize resources and IT spending, create a solid strategy, and achieve objectives laid out by the Board of Directors.

After meeting with key GadellNet employees, touring our facility, and speaking with our references, they chose GadellNet as the partner who would help them meet their goals.


Their biggest goal was to create a sustainable IT roadmap to bring to the Board for approval. GadellNet created a 12-month plan outlining timing and costs for the following objectives:

  • Create a better backup strategy and email encryption policies to protect both their staff members and their data, in accordance with HIPAA regulations
  • Implemented cybersecurity training and security protocols to ensure privacy and protection on all levels
  • Developed an asset refresh plan for aging devices to make sure technology was secure and accessible to all
  • Documented and executed onboarding and offboarding procedures to make sure the HR process worked smoothly


  • Added structure and data around the help desk process to make better IT decisions
  • Removed unnecessary risk from End-of-Life Windows 7 computers
  • Ensured HIPAA regulations are met
  • Adopted and executed a 12-month IT roadmap to ensure long-term IT success

Contact us to learn more about GadellNet’s strategic consulting services.

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