If there were a season for myths and legends, it would be the fall. Unlike your typical urban legend, I’m not talking about poisoned Halloween treats or the name with a hook for a hand. No, the myths I’m talking about are far more dangerous than that. The reason – most believe them to be absolutely true.
I’m talking about myths surrounding Managed Service Providers.
Help desk support isn’t local and never open when you need them
Not true! Many are 24/7 and local.
This first line of defense is an important part of the service provided to you by any MSP because when it’s 7:00 pm and you’re working late to get that report sent out before the big meeting in the morning, and your email isn’t working; it can spell disaster. Many Managed Service Providers are open 24/7 for just such an emergency. At GadellNet, our help desk engineers work in one of several locations in the Midwest.
Managed Services will be too expensive with hidden costs
False, again.
There is a lot of details that go into debunking this one. First of all, managed services are likely much less expensive than what you’re thinking, especially when you factor in everywhere they can create efficiency and prevent tech emergencies from happening through preventative maintenance and proactive support. According to a recent study, Managed Service Providers can save you an average of 30% on your IT spend over a year. With the ability to cherry pick your services, hidden fees won’t pop up either.
Hiring a MSP means I have to fire my tech guy
No way!
Having dedicated tech staff can be an awesome asset. Many MSPs are skilled at working with existing tech departments and simply filling in the gaps. Plus, having one tech guy is awesome, but wouldn’t 50+ skilled and experienced engineers at your disposal to pick up the slack be even better?
Managing another vendor relationship will be too much work
The opposite is true here.
Working with a quality Managed Service Provider means a vendor relationship simply won’t exist. They’re going to be your partner and take pride in your business just as much as you do. Not to mention, if you have any problem at all, they’re always a phone call away – even on Christmas morning.
Managed Service Providers are all the same
Biggest myth.
Maybe you’re working with a provider right now that you aren’t exactly thrilled with. They drag their feet on updates and patches, they aren’t helping you understand emerging technologies, and they sure haven’t created a 3-year plan for you! Not all MSPs are created equal – it’s just a matter of doing a little research. Find a provider who is right for your organization and who you feel confident in. Here are a few questions you can ask a provider to determine if they’re right for you: click here.
Want to learn more about outsourcing your tech? Download our white paper.
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