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Mobility has transformed the construction industry. Mobile worksites have become an integral part of a firm’s operation through jobsites powered by mobile devices and integrated platforms. Construction, although one of the nation’s largest industries, has been slow to adopt the latest and greatest tech available. In order to take on larger projects and to perform at the highest levels of satisfaction for your customers, technology, and specifically mobility, is essential. Although we are feeling the change, many construction firms still have a long way to go.

If your jobsite is not fully mobile yet, it may seem like a daunting process. However, in just a few easy steps, you could have a completely modernized jobsite.

  1. Smartphones for all

If an employee needs to report from the worksite, they should have a mobile device. Your mobile workforce should be equipped with mobile devices. In turn, those devices need to be loaded with the right mobile apps to get things done. This can include everything from clocking in, to geo-location, to project management and even safety. Don’t forget the durable case for each phone.

If deploying smartphones to your entire workforce isn’t feasible, an onsite tablet is a great remediation plan. Have a tablet available in a kiosk setting for reporting purposes to provide much of the same mobile capabilities to a jobsite without the requirements of a mass smartphone deployment.

  1. Mobile Reporting Software

The applications on these phones are what will help you to communicate, create efficiency, and get real-time reports. Having reporting apps on all of the mobile devices will reduce the risks associated with lack of documentation, allow reports to be spoken instead of written, collaborate remotely in real time, and become more productive through time saved on reports.

Many apps can encompass all of the reporting needs of your team. It can be hard to sort through all of them, but that is an important step in going mobile. Take the time to sort through what features you need and which apps best fit those needs. Some features many mobile construction jobsites require include unlimited photo and file uploads, note taking capabilities, labor documentation apps, syncing of data across devices, auto reports sent daily to stakeholders, human transcription for accurate documentation.

  1. Training

After you have invested in these technologies, it’s time to train your workforce. Don’t just assume everyone will know how to use the device you choose. An iPhone user might be lost on the Android you hand them and there are some people out there who are still trying to stay away from smartphones for personal use altogether.

Beyond that, the software applications you choose will likely have a bit of a learning curve. Before you go live with the applications, it’s a good idea to make sure all of the users are comfortable with them. This will go a long way to ensure adoption.

  1. Incentives

Providing training will go a long way to make sure your team does adopt the new mobile applications, but to make sure they really take off running with them, throw a few rewards and incitives their way. This may seem unnecessary to you, but this new system will completely change their day and the way they going about working. Not everyone loves change, no matter how helpful it might be. Nudge them along with some company swag, tickets to a game, or a night out for two. You can incentivize who take the most notes for the week, who has the best description of a jobsite, who uploads the most helpful photos, and so on. Your employees will respond really well to this little something extra.

If you want to dive deeper into creating a plan for transiting to mobility or need help with your general tech road map, look over the Construction State of Technology eBook. This comprehensive guide will give you insights into getting the most out of your tech while staying on budget. And, feel free to contact us any time to discuss our IT services for construction firms.

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