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As a CEO, you’re stretched thin. Your time isn’t more valuable than anyone else in your organization, but we understand that it is often in higher demand. That’s why saving 10 minutes for you is a little more tantalizing than for many others in your organization. That’s almost an hour a week, that’s about 43 hours, more than a week’s time, over the course of a year.

Here are five tools that have the ability to save you 10 minutes per day:


Manage your daily tasks through a straightforward app. MindMeister tracks the time you spend on each task so you can easily analyst your productivity throughout the day. MindMeister helps you visualize your thoughts by mapping our these times and activities for you. You can share your map with others across your organization for better alignment, brainstorming, note taking, planning, and creativity. You can even create stunning presentations through MindMeister, which saves you time when all of your notes and brainstorming is right there to begin with.


Calendly makes scheduling a breeze. Send your Calendly link to anyone who needs to meet with you, and they will see your available times and be able to simply click to set a meeting with you. This means you can block off times when you need to be meeting-free, and they won’t even have those times as an option. Never again look in your calendar to suggest three times that would work for you to send to someone and skip all the back and forth that ensues.


If you travel to client sites, sales meetings, vendor meetings, networking events, and the like, MileIQ can save you so much time on tracking the miles you drive for work. MileIQ is a mobile app with drive-detection technology. Anytime you’re in a car, it will track the miles, all you have to do is sort out which ones are business-related and which ones aren’t.


Microsoft Teams is a one-stop-shop for all your project management, communication, meetings, collaborations, notes, and more. Getting your whole organization’s buy in on Teams will keep things streamlined and help to save you time. You can work out of Teams all day long and never lose track of where you left off. Here’s a quick video overview of Teams.

iA Writer

If you’re a CEO that often contributes content to your team’s blog, writes outlines for public speaking, crafts company-wide inspirational emails or finds yourself writing for any other reason, iA Writer blocks distractions so you can get right down to business. It’s easy to get distracted while writing, which can really waste your time, but iA Writer is a game changer as it syncs with Dropbox or iCloud and allows you to export to Microsoft word.

As you implement these time-saving tools, be sure to share them with your team. Like we mentioned above, your time is often in high demand, but upping your teams productivity through these tools can yield a big cost-savings for your business.

For help implementing any of these tools, contact GadellNet!

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