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Tech Consulting for small businesses with tight margins seems out of reach. However, an expert in the tech field helping you navigate what to implement and what to avoid can help you reduce downtime, costs, and operational expenses.

Learn more about how tech consulting can reduce these three things:


Through tech consulting, downtime can be dramatically reduced. When you have the right applications in place, with wide adoption from employees, they won’t have the common downtime issues you usually see when the wrong applications are being used to accomplish a job. Tech consulting will also account for phasing out unreliable equipment, which can be a major cause of downtime. Downtime can also stem from outages. With tech consulting and the right plan set in place, downtime won’t be a result of a power outage. The data you need to work remotely will be readily available.


Paying upfront for tech consulting is anything but frivolous. It’s going to save you money in the long-run. A tech consultant knows where to spend your tech dollars for long-term benefit. They aren’t going to direct you into solutions that are quick-fix band-aids. They will make sure as you are able to invest in technology, it is the right solution to increase your efficiency and work with your existing systems.

Operational Expenses

Your tech consultant can reduce your operational expenses through helping you understand what activities can be automated. They will help you to figure out which tasks are taking an inordinate amount of your time and what solution may be able to alleviate that strain. This could be anything from accounting to marketing communications or payroll. The opportunities are endless.

Reducing downtime, cost, and operational expenses will all contribute to a stronger bottom line. Today’s technology landscape is rapidly evolving. It can be a lot to try to keep track of along with all of your other responsibilities. A vCTO (virtual chief technology officer) is an excellent resource to have at your fingertips. This person is an executive-level tech expert which can be had at a much lower price.

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