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Your technology is critical to your organization’s success. From your connectivity to your communication to your hardware and software, all these parts must be working for your team to succeed. This is a truth that even the smallest organizations have realized over the last decade. Without technology in good working order, you couldn’t function, and certainly not efficiently.

Throughout your organization, you are likely aware that some processes and systems have the potential for a single point of failure.  If you are unaware of where these bottlenecks reside, GadellNet has a whole team of experts who can help you identify them and architect and deploy solutions.  Even if you’ve already addressed where a single flaw could take an entire system down, it is essential to stay vigilant.

What, or Who, is a Single Point of Failure?

Many small organizations rely on one technology expert. This person is responsible for everything from break-fix to technology strategy and planning to ensuring cybersecurity measures are in place to much more.  

Have you ever thought of this subject matter expert as a single point of failure for your technology? If this person were to leave your organization, take ill, retire, or otherwise be indisposed, what would they take with them? Could your organization continue to operate successfully without them?  

For most small businesses and Non-Profit Organizations with a technology department of one, the answers to those questions are simple – they would take all the working knowledge of your technology with them, and you would not be able to continue successfully without them for any real length of time.  The COVID-19 pandemic forced many small businesses to remote work that did not previously have this capability. This move often highlighted where those single points of failure existed in a business ecosystem. But, as time has passed and the cybersecurity landscape has evolved, it is important to revisit your organization’s structure to ensure you aren’t vulnerable.

How to Avoid a Single Point of Failure

Migrating to or adding IT Support Services will start you down the path of identifying and eliminating those points of failure. When you have an entire team behind you, ensuring your technology is working well and is secure, you can rest easier.  You’re not risking your business if the one and only person who knows your technology environment leaves your organization.  

In addition, your internal IT team may choose to engage in a co-managed technology solution. A co-managed relationship will allow your organization access to the services it needs most at a cost that will meet your budget.

GadellNet has dedicated teams of experts for break-fix support, onsite support, cybersecurity support, technology consulting services, application support, network support, project support, and more. We utilize the latest in cybersecurity solutions to protect your organization from the ever-changing security landscape.  And, our team of nearly 200 technology professionals will back you 24 hours a day.  

To learn more about how our team can help you identify risk, contact us today.

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